One of my favorite ways to spend my time is traveling. I have always had a curiousity to explore the unknown and a passion for seeking out new experiences. The first time I studied abroad in college, I knew I had to do it again and keep wandering as much as I could to see what else was out there just beyond the horizon in places I had never been to before.
This drive has led me on countless trips to countries scattered across the world, from India to Germany to South Africa to Thailand. Most recently I took my biggest trip of all. In October of 2019 I decided to backpack across Asia for 5 months. I started off traveling through Japan, took a boat to South Korea, then headed to Taiwan. Unfortunately, soon after I arrived in Taiwan, so did the coronavirus pandemic. Despite having to end my trip a little early, I am grateful to have had the opportunity and privelege to take such an extensive trip through so many new places.
Traveling has given me invaluable experiences that have helped me grow as a person and learn about cultures and people different from the ones I have been raised around. Being exposed to diverse perspectives from all over the world has helped give me a unique way of approaching problems and working together with people from all walks of life to solve today's challenges in new ways.
Below are some of my favorite pictures from my travels.