Intelligent Automatic Watering System


  • Designed complex automatic home watering system that can be controlled remotely through a website

  • Identified and interviewed potential users of system in order to meet their needs

  • Created multiple water distribution systems to appeal to wider range of users and increase versatility of system

  • Waterproofed and rigorously tested all aspects of system to ensure functionality and usability of final product


  • Arduino microcontroller
  • Sensors (flow rate, moisture)
  • Water distribution systems (solenoid valve, hoses, pipes, sprinklers)
  • 3D printing and SolidWorks CAD modeling
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SQL Database


Our System

Describes the general use and purpose of our system.


System Overview

Lists all major components and functions of the final watering system.


Close Up of System Diagram

General layout of system indicating relationship between major components and how they work together


System Components

Waterproof box containing circuitry and micro-controller

Hose splitter with solenoids that control water

Moisture sensor for feedback


Inside Waterproof Box

Close up of the circuitry and micro-controller in the black box


Watering Methods

These are the 3 watering distribution systems we marketed to users in order for our system to be adaptable, versatile, and appeal to the widest range of users possible.


Core Functions

Provides a brief description of each function and indicates the primary component for that function.


Physical to Functional Mapping

Demonstrates modularity of system and shows which function each component addresses.


Solenoid Valve Testing

System is shown attached to a spigot on a building for testing the solenoid valve and control system.