Trip Statistics

Google Maps integrated site where you can analyze your location history data and see an overview of where you visited and what you did on your last trip.


  • React Frontend
  • Python Flask (backend micro web framework)
  • SQLite3 / PostgreSQL Databases
  • Node
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap


  • Google Maps API Integration
  • Event listeners and handlers
  • jQuery & Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation
  • Asynchronous JavaScript with async and await
  • User information storage and password encryption using Flask Bcrypt
  • User sign up and log in functionality

Example Images and Descriptions

Landing Page

Displays the landing page to login/register and a link to download your Google Maps location history data

User Profile

Shows basic account data and short instructions on how to use the site

New Trip

Allows user to upload data for a new trip to be analyzed, or download demo files to test out if they do not have any data

All Trips

Shows all trips that have been uploaded

Trip Display Page - Data

Displays details on one selected trip. Place and activity data are in separated tables that can be collapsed

Trip Display Page - Map

Displays details on one selected trip. Interactive heatmap containing all places with markers and labels showing more information