Run Analyzer

A website integrated with Strava that allows users to import all of their running data for a detailed analysis of their running performance.


  • HTML website
  • CSS styling and animations
  • Node.js
  • Express.js, Express-Sessions
  • EJS (Embedded JavaScript Templates), EJS Partials
  • MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Heroku Cloud Platform for Live Site
  • jQuery and vanilla JavaScript
  • Axios requests to pull external data from Strava API
  • Dotenv environment variables
  • Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation
  • Event listeners and handlers


  • Strava API Integration
  • Event listeners and handlers
  • jQuery & Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation
  • Asynchronous JavaScript with async and await
  • User information storage and authentication
  • User sign up and log in functionality

Example Images and Descriptions

Sign In Page

Login to your personal Strava account when prompted to allow authorization to read your activity data.

Authorization Page

Must grant authorization to read all of a user's Strava data in order for this site to import and analyze all activites.

User Overview Page

Displays all Strava activies imported from user's account. Click refresh in the nav bar to update with any recent activities.

Activity Show Page

Shows detailed data for chosen activity

Activity Show Page Metric/Imperial

Data such as splits can be viewed in either miles or kilometers

Add Custom Note
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