Autonomous Line-Following Delivery Robot

Built robot that can automatically deliver payloads by following lines and communicating with a remote database of orders.


  • Coded Arduino program in C to automate line-following control algorithm
  • Set up online order placement using integrated SQL database and PHP scripts
  • Designed 3D printed delivery system to operate with a servo, laser cut chassis of robot, wired electronic circuitry, incorporated infrared sensors and encoders


  • SolidWorks CAD Software
  • 3D Printing
  • Arduino microcontroller
  • C programming
  • SQL & PHP
  • Circuitry design and wiring
  • Laser Cutter
  • Pololu Wixel 2.4 GHz radio board

Example Images and Descriptions

System Architecture

Basic layout diagram of main parts needed and their placement on the device

Platform Diagram

CAD drawing of location of all cutouts on plastic chassis board. Drawing was exported and sent to laser cutter to create the platform for all the device's components.

Delivery Robot