Search for a keyword or specific album/playlist then filter all the tracks returned
based on their musical properties to create a more specific playlist of songs.
Search Spotify database for albums, artists, playlists, and tracks normally using keywords
Or input a specific album or playlist URL copied from Spotify with the following layout
"https://open.spotify.com/album/7tHPr5YXzvm42CeCjUFqBK" (without quotes)
Select desired filters, adjusting values and selecting whether a filtered track's values should be
above or below the input value
Click run checked filters with no filters checked to display all tracks from a search result
Hover over a filter option to view a description of its meaning with a clickable picture of
the standard value distrubtions
Track Analysis
Scroll down once filters have finished running to view all resulting tracks that match the selected
filter criteria
Click each result to display a detailed audio analysis of the track